Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Parallel University

This is the Mission Statement for Parallel University. "PU" is a project in and of its self, and also a platform for much of the work I am doing for my MFA. Soon the PU blog will be up and running, when it is I will post a link here.

Parallel University Mission Statement

Established in 2007 Parallel University is dedicated to lending the illusion of imposed structure, and qualitative benchmarks to the self directed learning of its students. Parallel's core belief is that all people at all times create reality and value in our world visa vis their activities, intentions, and choices. Parallel University is a bridge between the received understanding that institutional validation, acquired via adherence to externally designed/imposed structures is required for self worth, and the less frequented perspective that it is the actions and intentions of individuals that create, and grant validation to, the institutions and structures they participate in.

Any credit attributed to Parallel University for knowledge gained or skills attained during the period of enrollment are strictly denied. All benefits, be they growth, knowledge, or skills are wholly and completely the responsibility of the student.
Mascot: Ruby slippers
Motto: You've always had the power

Type rest of the post here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I personally feel that you should use some other abbreviation for your university, how about ParaUni, or PrUn, or something else? PU has been coopted by disgruntled bystanders, for use when a Pepe LePew type wanders by. An undertaking of such noble character should not be sullied by association with such unappealing experiences.